What if I miss an exam?

If you miss an exam, what happens next depends on your instructor’s course policies. Contact your instructor about the situation to find out the possibility of having a make-up exam created on your behalf. Make-up exams are only created for this reason on a case-by-case basis, so we strongly recommend you simply change your exam time before you miss it.

If I know I’m going to miss an exam, how far in advance can I change my exam time?

You can change your exam time up to 15 minutes before the start of your exam in our reservation portal. Doing this ensures that your exam won’t be marked as missed, and that you won’t have to contact your instructor about the possibility of a make-up exam.

What if the Digital Learning Center is full?

If the Digital Learning Center is full and there are no slots available, what happens next depends on your instructor’s course policies. Contact your instructor about the situation to find out the possibility of having a make-up exam created on your behalf. Instructors will only allow make-up exams on a case-by-case basis, which is why we strongly recommend that students do not wait until the end of a testing timeframe to sign up for a timeslot – all of the slots on the last day may have already been taken by others!

How far in advance can I sign up for my exam time?

Students are allowed to register for an upcoming exam beginning two weeks before the first day of its testing window. Reserving your spot as soon as a registration period opens is the best way to ensure that you can complete the exam during its designated timeframe. We will notify you when this window opens, and if you miss an email you can still go directly to https://dlc-reserve.unl.edu/ to register for a time.